The Surprising Link Between Bad Breath, Covid-19, and Lung Cancer
Bad breath on occasion is benign and should not be cause for concern. Spicy foods or foods containing onions or garlic are most often the culprits, in which case, brushing should solve the problem. On the other hand, persistent bad breath that does not go away with brushing, flossing and using mouthwash twice a day, could be an early sign of gum disease. You are probably still wondering what all of this has to do with covid-19 and lung cancer. In order to understand the correlation, let’s take a closer look at exactly what gum disease is.
What is Gum Disease
Gum disease causes the destruction of bone and gum tissue that holds your teeth in place, eventually resulting in tooth loss. The most common symptoms of gum disease are chronic bad breath and bleeding during brushing.
What Causes Gum Disease
Throughout the day as you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plaque (soft food particles) builds up on your teeth. In as little as 8 hours, the plaque starts to harden as it transforms into calculus, which can no longer be removed by brushing. Brushing and flossing twice a day will reduce calculus buildup; however, it will not completely eliminate it, which is why a bi-annual dental cleaning is recommended. During this appointment, your hygienist at Metro Dental of New Carrollton, removes calculus build up that can no longer be removed by brushing alone.
If you miss your bi-annual cleaning, the calculus build-up extends beneath the gumline over time. The bacteria harbored by this calculus, releases toxins that not only cause chronic bad breath but also destroy the bone and gum tissue that hold your teeth in place. If this is left untreated, you will lose so much bone and gum tissue that your teeth become loose and eventually fall out or have to be extracted.